Presentation: Tweet"Intro to PhoneGap"
With more than 4.6 billion handsets on the planet, mobile app development is rapidly becoming the most important aspect of the web development discipline. But, mobile platforms are fragmented, distribution can be a nightmare and most developers don't know how to port their design and development skills to mobile devices.
Enter PhoneGap, an open source platform that makes building mobile applications easy with HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills most web developers already possess. Using PhoneGap, web developers can use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to access native device features like accelerometer, contacts, camera and geolocation. Plus, they can use the same API to deploy apps on the iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian, MeeGo, Bada, webOS and Windows Phone 7.
In this session you'll learn how to use your development skills in conjunction with PhoneGap; how to deploy your apps on as many devices as possible; and how to get them into various app stores and directories. Find out how easy it can be to add mobile app development to your toolkit.
Keywords: javascript, html5, css3, mobile, web, phonegap, device apis
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